About Cannabidiol Insider

CannabidiolInsider.com was created from the realization there are so many biased CBD Brands filling the web, which makes it difficult to discern fact from profit-driven fiction. Going through endless websites to find the best deal can be exhausting. We aspired to make the buying decision as easy as possible so we did the hard job for you.

In recent months we have scanned HUNDREDS of independent CBD websites of all sizes and created an extremely detailed quantitative summary for each brand mentioned out there. During our ranking process, we took various factors into consideration and from that raw data, we finalized a list of top-ranked brands deals.

We believe that thanks to our unique ranking method we were able to minimize the chance of biased score and managed to identify the true market leaders.

One main factor we took into account in our ranking process is value for money. The availability of discount codes plays a big part in the brands’ value score. Once we had a solid shortlist of the top-brands, we reached out to the selected brands and managed to get high-discount coupon deals, exclusively for our visitors. When it comes to getting the best CBD deals available, we have done all the heavy lifting so you don’t have to.

If you have any questions or feedback for us, we’ll be happy to hear from you: info@cannabidiolinsider.com